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Don't ever forget, a corporation is only a piece of paper.

In America, we believe in the idea of a government of, by, and for the people. It is a fundamental principle that we are all equal under the law and that everyone has an equal say in our democracy. However, in recent years, this principle has been under threat by a dangerous fiction that corporations have the same constitutional rights as people.

The idea that corporations are people is not only inaccurate, but it is also a dangerous idea that undermines the very fabric of our democracy. Corporations exist solely for the purpose of making profits, and they have no emotions, no conscience, and no moral code. They do not have the same values or beliefs as people, and they should not be afforded the same rights as people.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision in 2010 endorsed this erroneous fiction by allowing corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money in our elections. This decision gave corporations the ability to drown out the voices of everyday Americans and to sway our elections in their favor.

But the truth is that corporations should not have the same rights as people. Corporations have only two goals: to grow profits over time and to reward shareholders. They do not have the same responsibilities or obligations as people, nor do they have the same interests in the common good. As such, they should not be afforded the same rights as people.

The problem with equating corporations and people is that it gives corporations a disproportionate amount of power in our democracy. It allows them to use their vast resources to influence elections and policy decisions, often at the expense of the rest of us.

We need to overturn the Citizens United decision and get big money out of politics. It is critical that we do so if we want to restore our democracy and ensure that everyone has an equal say in our government.

So, let's be clear: corporations are not people. They do not have the same constitutional rights as people, and they should not have more of a say in our elections than everyday Americans. Let's work together to restore the balance of power in our democracy and ensure that our government truly is of, by, and for the people.

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