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Why is our democracy not working for us?

As citizens of a democracy, we expect our government to be accountable to us and to work in our best interests. Unfortunately, the reality is that our political system has been hijacked by wealthy donors and corporations who use their financial power to influence our elections and shape our policies. This undermines the very foundation of our democracy and threatens the well-being of our society as a whole.

One of the main culprits behind this corrupt system is the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC. This decision allowed corporations and special interests to donate unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns, effectively giving them a stranglehold on our political system. The result has been a government that is more responsive to the interests of big donors than to the needs of ordinary citizens.

But there is hope. The Democracy For All amendment to the Constitution is a proposed solution to this problem. By overturning the Citizens United decision and allowing Congress and the states to regulate campaign finance, the Democracy For All amendment would help level the playing field for all candidates and ensure that our elected officials are accountable to the people, not just to their wealthy donors.

One of the key features of the Democracy For All amendment is that it would give Congress and the states the power to regulate campaign finance, which is currently limited by the Supreme Court's flawed reasoning in previous cases. By doing so, it would limit the influence of big money in our elections and help to restore the integrity of our democracy.

The Democracy For All amendment is not just about politics; it's about ensuring that our government works for all Americans, not just a select few. By supporting this amendment, we can take a stand against the corrupting influence of big money in politics and build a more equitable and just society for all. It's time to put the power back in the hands of the people and ensure that our democracy truly represents the voices and interests of all Americans, not just the wealthy and powerful few.

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