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The only solution to our broken democracy.

Money and free speech are not the same thing, yet our political system today (it wasn't always this way) treats them as if they are. The result is that a small number of billionaires can essentially buy elections and shape policy decisions to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else. This fundamental flaw in our laws, a result of several ill-considered Supreme Court decisions handed down over the past generation, is now so deeply ingrained that the situation seems irreversible. Certainly, our current Supreme Court will not reverse these decisions in our lifetimes, which leaves only one viable solution: a constitutional amendment.

Senator Tom Udall has stated that “money and free speech are not the same thing, and it is a tortured logic to say so.” He points out that the false premise underlying our broken system must be undone before it can be fixed. We must recognize that spending money on elections is not equivalent to the constitutional right of free speech.

The proposed Democracy For All amendment would overturn past Supreme Court decisions and prevent future ones. It would clarify that money is not equivalent to free speech and would give Congress the power to regulate campaign finance. This would reduce the influence of the ultra-wealthy in our political system and restore the integrity of our democratic institutions.

The need for this amendment is clear. Billionaires and special interests use their money to influence our politicians, leading to policies that favor the wealthy over everyone else. Tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the rich, environmental deregulation that harms the public, and the lack of action on important issues like climate change and income inequality are just a few examples.

Passing the Democracy For All amendment is the only way to restore the power of democracy to the people. We need to ensure that every citizen's voice is heard equally, and that our elected officials are accountable to the people who elected them. We must work to restore Congress as a true representative body, rather than a tool of the wealthy.

The only viable solution to our broken democracy is to pass the Democracy For All amendment. We cannot allow the influence of big money to continue to undermine our democratic institutions. We must take action to ensure that our democracy works for everyone, not just for the wealthy few.

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