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Your "representatives" in Congress are dialing for dollars, instead of working for you.

The sad truth is that members of Congress are spending more time fundraising than they are representing the people who elected them. Instead of working on legislation and solving problems, they are on the phone every day begging wealthy donors for money to fund their re-election campaigns. Even worse, the amount of money required to run a successful campaign has skyrocketed in recent years, forcing our representatives to prioritize the interests of big donors over those of ordinary citizens. This is a clear and present danger to our democracy, and it's time for a change.

That's where the Democracy For All amendment comes in. This crucial amendment would help level the playing field and reduce the influence of big money in politics. By giving Congress and the states the power to regulate campaign finance, it would help to ensure that our elected officials are accountable to the people, not just to their deep-pocketed donors.

The Democracy For All amendment would also overturn the flawed Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, which allowed corporations and special interests to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence our elections. By doing so, it would prevent wealthy donors from buying our elections and corrupting our political process.

If we want to restore the integrity of our democracy and ensure that our government truly represents the will of the people, then we must support the Democracy For All amendment. It's time to put the needs of ordinary citizens ahead of the interests of big donors, and to create a political system that truly works for everyone.

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